Throughout the past few years, I have been lucky enough to work with incredible poets like Paige Lewis, John Murillo, Timothy Donnelly, Dorothea Lasky, Patricia Spears Jones, and Stephanie Burt, among others. I am currently working on a collection of my work for my senior thesis in poetry.
Published Work
"It's Kind of a Really Nice Day" (Issue 47.1, "Utopia," from Room Magazine; 2024)
"How to Stop Losing at Poker" (The Route 9 Anthology, Wesleyan University Press; 2022)
"after work" (Humans of the World; 2022)
"america," (Issue 24, Sugar House Review, 2022)
"i can only come home," (Issue 14, Beyond Words Lit Mag, 2021)
"sorry, is this dish big enough to share?" (The Dillydoun Review, 2021)
"Allecto, Queen of the Furies" and "How Great is Our God!" (Issue 42.2, Permafrost Magazine, 2021)
"The Most Efficient Way to Eat an Orange," "I'm Not Hungry Thank You Though," and "the cake was full-bodied and sweet and i" (Thin Air Magazine, 2020)
"Some Girls Want To Be Princesses" (Soundings East, 2020)
"Aphasia," (Chaleur Magazine, 2019)
"Blubber" (Issue 27, Raw Art Review, 2019)
"Ode to Forget Me" (Issue 3.2, Rare Byrd Review, 2019)
"Envy is the Cowardly Woman's Love" (Up North Lit, 2019)